Turnstone Strategy to Address What Lies Ahead for Western Canada Oil and Gas Players

October 29, 2020

And Now ForSomething Completely Different!

There is a lot ofdoom and gloom around the oil and gas industry. Most everyone still maintains avery bearish future view. Our perspective is this bearish view is based on the belief that the future isa continuation of the past (linear thinking), rather than an assessment of howthe oil and gas cycles are actually changing. We�re saying what othersaren�t thinking.
In fact, thesunshine is about to finally return to Western Canada.
Are you and your business ready for the new opportunities and threats thisdecade will deliver? We plan to answer your individual questions at the end ofthe webinar.

A TSI Complimentary Webinar Q&A

Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020 or
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020

8:30-10:00 am MST

Email: hiddenvalue@turnstonestrategy.com

Turnstone Strategy Inc.
Phone: (403) 205-3255
Toll Free: 1 (888) 295-3255
Email: hiddenvalue@turnstonestrategy.com